Harris County Cattlemen Association
We’re your neighbors, your teachers, your bankers, and shopkeepers. We are firefighters, farmers, ranchers, policemen, landowners, electricians, and public servants. We are people who are active in our schools.
We’re men and women, volunteering our time, working together to promote agriculture and education throughout Harris County and beyond.
We host fund-raising events, promote community improvement and support local youth activities and charitable organizations. And yes, some of our members of the Harris County Cattlemen’s Association raise cattle.
We work towards sustaining our rural way of life in western-central Georgia

We work to promote Georgia’s beef industry by:
Holding flame-cooked steak dinners monthly for anyone who in interested in attending our meetings
Providing guest speakers that are relevant to issues that face ranchers, farmers and landowners
We also hold several events throughout the year, such as:
Annual PCA ProRodeo
The annual FFA Awards Banquet
And, we donate to many local charities and organizations, like:
Relay for Life of Harris County
Harris County Boy Scout Troops of America
4-H Club of Harris County, Georgia
We participate in the Relay-for-Life campaign by hosting the Survivors Luncheon.
(We are Charter Members). We offer opportunities for sponsors to promote their business before our membership.
We provide marketing and networking opportunities with some of the finest people in the area.
On the last Tuesday of every month, members and non-members alike meet to enjoy a flame-cooked steak dinner, learn the latest trends in Beef Cattle and Agriculture, socialize and plan for future events. We like to invite everyone who is interested in our rural way of life to join us at the Ag-Center on Hwy 116 for a fine evening with your neighbors. Our dinner begins at 7:30.
Do you own cows?
No, We do support the Georgia beef industry, and some of our members own cattle. Other members are farmers and landowners who are interested in the legislative issues that affect property rights. We come together and provide our time and talents to learn and teach others about agriculture and the Country's Way of Life. We lend support for events like Relay for Life, to the Boy Scouts of America, the 4H Club, and the Future Farmers of America. Thousands of spectators join us every September for our annual PCA Pro Rodeo near Hamilton, Georgia. Members of our association have strong ties in West Central Georgia and many families have lived in this area for generations.